Ufone SIM Lagao Offer Price, Code, Details

Ufone SIM Lagao Offer Price, Code, Details

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Ufone SIM Lagao Offer Price, Code, Details

content verified & updated on 05 Aug. 2024

8 GB Internet

4 GB (1st day) + 4 GB (31st day)

6000 Ufone & PTCL Minutes

100 minutes daily

6000 All-Net SMS

100 SMS daily

60 Days Validity


SIM not in use for 30 days




Spend Rs. 10/- and get a bonus of (i) 200 Ufone & PTCL Minutes and (ii) 200 SMS, for 1 day.

Good to Know

  • No call setup fee will be charged for first 7 days. From day 8th to day 60th, call setup fee @ 15 paisa incl. tax, will be charged.
  • There is no time restriction on the internet usage.
  • The call duration is capped at 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Once this maximum duration is reached, the call will be terminated, requiring you to initiate a new call.
  • Calls to Short Codes & UAN Numbers are not allowed.
  • Other Ufone offers can be subscribed along with this offer.
  • If youโ€™ve subscribed to multiple Ufone offers, the free resource consumption is prioritized in the following order: daily, weekly, and monthly.
  • After the consumption of free resources, the following default tariff rate will be applied: Rs. 2.48+tax/MB.
  • No fee will be deducted on activation or deactivation of the offer through the dial codes. However, only the first 7 inquiries for checking the remaining resources are free.

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Ufone Nayi SIM Offer Price, Code, Details
Ufone Nayi SIM Double Offer Price, Code, Details

If you have not used your Ufone SIM for a few days, it’s the best time to insert it back into your mobile device and get the benefit of the generous resources. The SIM Lagao Offer of Ufone is unmatchable with other telecom companies. You get On-Net, Off-Net Minutes, Internet, and SMS for 2 whole months.

It is pertinent to mention here that if you don’t use your Ufone SIM for 6 months, the company can sell it to any new customer.

In the case of buying a new Ufone SIM, there are also many free resources, as shown in the alternative offers.

What is the Ufone SIM Lagao Offer Details?

Ufone SIM Lagao Offer gives 8 GB Internet, 6000 Ufone & PTCL Minutes, and 6000 All-Net SMS for 60 days, free of cost.

What is the code for *5000# in Ufone?

*5000# is the activation code for Ufone SIM Lagao Offer.

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